Saturday, 20 October 2007


Hi there,

Hope you are having a good weekend!

Not posted for a few days as I have been poorly sick and managed to lose my voice which was very frustrating for me but a welcome relief to those around me!!

It means I have not really done much knitting, dyeing or working on my shop. I'm really going to have to work double hard next week to catch up!

Although on my sick bed (!!!) I did manage to knock out a chunky scarf for myself with 300g of Rowan Biggy Print in Mermaid. I figured I needed it to protect my throat from further germs and viruses!

Today I have been trying to photograph my yarn for my Etsy site but the natural light today was poor and my camera isn't the best. Also I know little about photography. But above are my first efforts................I need to lighten them so you can great an idea of their actual colour but their names are Neapolitan, Melons, Fruit Salad, Dusk, Raspberries n' Cream and Warm Glow.... Can you guess which is which? You can tell I dye them in the kitchen as they are nearly all named after food! I have been reskeining some more this evening and will post them hopefully tomorrow or Monday. I also aim to have my etsy store up and running on Monday too!



YarnSnob said...

I have to have a brain storming session when it comes to naming yarns. They're all very very yummy !

Dawn said...

You're trying to get us hungry aren't you!?? LOL! They're GREAT! Can't wait to see more! Hope you're feeling better! This wasn't the best week for me either and I finished my scarf too! Looks like we were thinking (and feeling) alike! ;O)